"40 Years housing expertise, promoting independence and providing homes for older people"
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Resident's are at the heart of what we do here at St Luke's. For the last forty years, we have provided homes to those who have needed them the most. We aim to listen to the views of our residents and provide good quality services that offer value for money. We also want to ensure our services are accessible for our residents.
decent homes
We aim to provide good quality homes and communal spaces that are well maintained. We are developing an estate and management strategy, implementing a programme of works over the next 5 years. We want to ensure our homes are places people want to live, providing pleasant living areas, with good quality communal facilities.
We are committed to keeping our residents safe and ensuring the building and accommodation is safe and compliant with health and safety regulations. This includes carrying out regular risk assessments and routine checks that comply with legal obligations.
We will help you to live independently for as long as possible. We have staff onsite that are trained and experienced in social care, tenancy management and support. All staff have relevant safeguarding training and understand the issues experienced by older residents. Staff can respond quickly to help residents sustain their tenancies and assess and signpost for additional support. We also have a 24 Hour Telecare Emergency contract offering residents reassurance when staff are not onsite.
Our Services
Rent and Service Charges
Coming soon, a new and improved service for our residents.
7 McMaster House, Latimer Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7PX
01865 769726

It's our birthday!
life begins at 40!
so where are we in 2024?
St Luke’s Housing Society is a small, not-for-profit registered provider of Sheltered Housing. The association has been operating for forty years in Oxford, first opening its doors in 1984.
We currently accommodate 38 residential properties for people over the age of 55 at Social Rent level. We are a stand-alone scheme, situated in one local authority of Oxford, with at least a quarter of our residents in receipt of Housing Benefit/Universal Credit.
Our aim continues to be to provide independent living accommodation for adults over the age of 55, empowering residents to live as independently as possible, for as long as they are able. We are in a high demand area, with a real lack of affordable accommodation for older people.
With a lack of quality homes for older people and increased funding pressures to provide suitable accommodation for resident’s needs, we are often faced with difficulties when residents support needs become more complex.
We employ four members of staff, including our Head of Operations, Housing Support Worker, Maintenance Officer and Activities Officer. We are governed by a Board of Trustees who oversee the strategic and financial matters for the association, in conjunction with the Head of Operations. We currently have seven Trustees who come from various professional / Senior Level backgrounds.
The association has adopted the National Housing Federations (NHF) Code of Governance 2020 and Code of Conduct 2022. We are regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing, Financial Conduct Authority who monitor our customer satisfaction, lettings, financial conduct and our operations.
We are in a strong position to continue our focus on providing excellent customer services and building on our existing services. Our objective is that St Luke’s can become stronger and provide excellent and improved services for our residents. We are currently working on our five-year Corporate Plan 2025-2030 which will set out a clear vision for our small organisation, including support for our most vulnerable customers.
To help us achieve these objectives, we are looking at investing into new digital solutions to help us deliver our services more efficiently and looking at further ways we can strengthen our organisation, securing our viability into the future.
We are looking for two new Board Members who will bring senior level experience who will contribute to broader Board decisions. Like many housing associations and providers, our organisation is facing increasing challenges to continue providing affordable homes, with increasing consumer regulations, operational costs as well as commitments to the meeting the government’s environment targets by 2050.
Are you interested in joining as a Trustee or would you like to find out about becoming a volunteer?
If so, you will be joining a strong business at an exciting time, helping to lead us through our next period of growth as we continue to provide excellent services to customers. We aim to maintain high quality and affordable homes for those in housing need.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss this opportunity further, or complete and return Trustee Application form. Time Investment:
❖ The Board meet quarterly onsite for approximately 3 Hours.
❖ This equates to 12 hours meeting time per year.
❖ We occasionally meet over Microsoft Teams/discuss matters over email.
❖ Input can be variable / flexible, with some Trustees visiting the scheme to offer additional assistance when required (for example, financial advice, policy discussions, H&S matters, HR, Resident Involvement matters).
❖ We are open to flexible ways of working with our Trustees to ensure we can meet our commitment to diversity across our services.
For an informal discussion, please contact: Jo Dancer, Head of Operations – jo.dancer@saintlukeshs.uk Malcolm Fearn, Chair of Trustees: malcolmfearn@icloud.com

Our Community
Onsite Staff
Our trained staff work Monday - Friday. At SLHS, we adopt a flexible hybrid working system.
This means staff work onsite and remotely but are always contactable and all staff live locally.
24/7 Support
For any Emergencies, all of our residents have the reassurance of a 24 Hour Emergency Response call system. These are via the Orange Emergency Chords or worn pendant alarms. Any calls are placed through to an Emergency Contact Centre who are trained to deal with all emergencies. They have contact details of all staff and contractors.
Regulated By and Affiliated with

Company Number: IP15866RRegulator of Social Housing: L1824Registered with the Information Commissioners Office